

As a businesswoman, I have gone through several phases and have done much learning and unlearning to reach where I am today. As per my understanding, writing involves a deep understanding of life experiences and teachings. In this book, I have penned down all my experiences to light up the way for others in their journey. 
This book will contain everything starting from motivation, to information to experiences. This book will issue some of the major problems that we face today not only in our professional lives but also in our personal lives. While reading this book, readers will learn three paths of life, i.e. the paths of Identification, Realization & Implication.


‘A Woman Unparalleled’ by Preet Sandhu is a must read book especially for all women out there who have lost hopes in their life, stepped back from the struggles they were facing. The blurb will surely give exact hints of what the book is about. The cover of the book is apt and perfectly designed.

The book holds thirteen chapters that will teach you the lessons of life. The book, in short, revolves around the author life. She has tried her best to include the lessons that life taught her without much exaggeration. The author makes it very clear that till the end the readers will learn three paths of life – Identification, Realization, and Implications. As a reader, I assure you that one will surely learn all that she aims to.
Overall, I enjoyed reading this book. No matter, it was based on the author’s personal experience but it won’t bore you. You will feel connected to the experiences. One will learn to grow. The language is lucid as one can read it in a go. Highly recommend it to everyone. Read and Learn.


ORDER THE BOOK FROM: https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B07KZMTQV8/ref=oh_aui_d_detailpage_o00_?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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