
Marriages, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Year, Promotion in company are some success which is celebrated by mostly households. People lavishly spend money on marriage. Many spend on their children birthdays and some of them spend on their 25th and 50th marriage anniversaries. Now a day’s these celebration are not just for enjoyment and gathering. These celebrating are mostly done to show off their status. Marriage is of two people. They promise to stay together and become each other support. On this marriage even a middle class family spend amount in lakhs. Either you do the marriage in a temple and distribute food among poors or you do the marriage by booking halls and inviting your special family members and friends the vows taken by the new couple will be same. In earlier times people even did not know their birthdays but as time changed people started celebrating birthdays and now presently the trend is to celebrate the birthday and even give return gift to every guest. According to me, real celebration real happiness is something you do for others. You come first in class and you go to some big restaurants with your friends and celebrate your happiness. Only one time, with the same money you go to some orphanage and celebrate your happiness with them. Trust me you will feel happier. You will have inner satisfaction. Only once prepare sandwich at home with coffee and sit with your parents and siblings and see the happiness on their face. They will bless you and you will totally enjoy the moment. If you belong to a rich family and you have enough money to spend then just for few months give free education to poor kids. Teach them little bit and you will feel like celebrating that moment. You will love when those kids will give you respect and treat you as their teacher. Mostly people spend money on parties in restaurants, book hotels and club. Why don’t you try to celebrate your joyness on roadside stalls. Have a plate of golgappe with your friends or cousins on roadside. You will have same fun rather than sitting quiet in hotel and just eating food.  Small little things done with heart gives you great happiness and you can enjoy a lot. You will feel like celebrating the moment. You treat a beggar with food on roadside. You serve water to the rickshaw puller who brings you home. Every time I try doing these small things and I feel like I am celebrating some big occasion.

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